Thursday, October 25, 2007

This is the beginning.

So. I have decided to add my tiny raindrop voice to the giant ocean that is the blog world. Perhaps I will be the only person to ever read this, and that's cool. Mostly I need a space to discuss my religious/spiritual thoughts.

There is a conflict in my mind because I have long associated sharing the Gospel, talking about church, or even general religious discussion with evangelical fundamentalist Christians. As a result of this association, I am loathe to discuss my religious leanings lest someone think I am "one of those religious wackos." I know a great many people who associate religious emotion of any kind with fanaticism, and I've self-censored over the years to avoid being lumped in that group.

So here I am, a faithful person who is quiet about that faith. Perhaps this is the same as hiding my light under a bushel basket, equivalent to being a "Sunday-only Christian" who is content to sit in a pew for an hour each week and leave it all in the church building until next Sunday rolls around. The thought of this bothers me a lot.

I am also bothered by the fact that my religious reticence completely takes my stance out of the dialogue. I am giving my voice to the fundamentalists from whom I seek to distance myself. In handing over my voice, I align myself with them. because when people hear that I am a Christian, they will paint me with the brush used to paint the "wackos."

Hence, this blog. It may be a futile effort, never to be read by any but me. But at least it's there.

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